For those of you on the “scene”, here are a few tips that may help you along your journey to find “the one.” Here is #Dating101
- If they site "Dumbledore" as one of the people they most look up to, it's time to break up. #Dating101
- If they have "Value Pawn" as one of the numbers on speed dial, you may want to ask Match.com for a refund. #Dating101
- If they say, "it's not as contagious as it looks" and then points to somewhere on their body....RUN. #Dating101
- If they claim to have been abducted by aliens you may not want to give them your real phone number. #Dating101
- If you’re with someone who makes reference to what Edward or Jacob would do, its time to put a stake in the heart of that relationship. #Dating101
- If they DVR anything with Bieber, that could be bad news for you. #Dating101
- If he likes to hang out at a place with a name like "The Razzle Dazzle Room" you almost bet he's NOT a scrap booker. Break up. #Dating101
- If she worked at a place with a name like "The Razzle Dazzle Room" you almost bet it's NOT a craft store and you can stop dating #Dating101
- If she refers to the repo man as an outstanding role model for her kids, she might not be up to par. #Dating101
- If your girl LIKES the song "Meet Virginia" (by Train) she's okay. #Dating101
- If she can be DESCRIBED by the song, you might have a problem. #Dating101
- If they have ever cited “The Urban Dictionary” in their schoolwork, you may want to reconsider. #Dating101
- If you are dating someone who can quote a line from ANH, ESB, or ROTJ or their prequels, they may be alright. #Dating101
- If they know what any of the abbreviations in number 12 mean, MARRY them! #Dating101
- If they have ever used the word “patronus” in a normal conversation, that could be trouble. #Dating101
- If you suggest he remove his wool sweater before going into the pool only to realize he isn’t wearing one, you may want to skip the swim. #Dating101
- If they have ironic facial hair, you should ask them to shave, if it’s a female…yikes. #Dating101
- If they refer to their vehicle as the “Free Candy” van, you may be in BIG TROUBLE already. #Dating101
- If they refer to the “Charlie the Unicorn” video as a waste of time, leave them immediately. #Dating101
- IF they base their dating advice on some lame list, it’s too late. #Dating101