The day came when we would go BACK for another visit to Ohio. This time with some very excited kids! They were so excited which is ANOTHER testimony of a move of God because what little kid is excited about leaving ALL their friends and their school and everything that is familiar? I feel like this part goes back to a statement that Lucas (11 years old) made when he said, "Mommy, if those [people] need to hear about Jesus, I suppose we can let them have daddy for a while so he can tell them about Him." This sentiment was in regards to going to India, but kids are perceptive and understand more than we give them credit for sometimes.
After touching down in Columbus, the overwhelming feeling of being out of control begins to take over when you realize what is ahead in the next few days. We got to stay with an adoring family, "The Hills" and they IMMEDIATELY proceeded to make us feel a part of the family and to welcome us though we had only previously met them only once prior. They gave up beds and bedrooms (Thanks Olivia), Don even shared his birthday and cake with us as well. (Now that's some love!)
The parent meeting on Friday consisted of sharing the vision of how to utilize students and parents in the youth programs and directions on integrating students from different schools and social backgrounds. All in all there was a distinct air of support and care.
It was on Friday that we got the news that we had received an offer on our house from a young couple looking to buy their first home. We were elated and humbled that God had moved so quickly. Our search for homes could resume finally! The difficulty was that we were going to be moving there in just a little over a week. We waded through hundreds of listings online and even visited several gems in the Newark/Heath area.
The subsequent youth meet and greet went well and we got news that there was a lady neighbor of the Hills who was willing to rent her home to us indefinitely while we looked for a more permanent residence. The Saturday night service went well and we made presentation to the congregation and they made the first of three votes.
Sunday morning after making the presentation during the morning services (2) we found out that the rental had fallen through. We had a contract on the Florida home, but nowhere to move to and no leads on any other rentals.
Arlene Hill and Jennifer Hill (not related, in fact I JUST realized that they have the same last name) pulled some folks out of the service whom they heard owned rentals and while they were talking to them, people, not being aware really of what was going on began to share about their OWN rental properties. We walked away with no less than 5 or 6 different names of people owning rentals. Information that we had previously not been able to procure. This is the evidence that God's timing is perfect, that when HE is ready, you will know those things that you need. His timing, perfect, His provision, JUST you're looking for.